Spoon Booklet Cover

Spoon Booklet Spread 1

Spoon Booklet Spread 2

Spoon Booklet Spread 3

Spoon Booklet Spread 4

Spoon Booklet Spread 5

Spoon Booklet Spread 6

Spoon Booklet Spread 7

For this project, I researched the history of a common household utensil: the spoon. The goal of this challenge was to use my typography, research, and creative skills to create a historical booklet that was both informational and eye-catching. I made the decision to have this booklet be presented in a black-and white format. I wanted to show off the spoon itself, rather than distract from its purpose with bold color. I also combined real sketches with digital renderings of spoon graphics. This was intended to bring a more comforting and 'homestyle cooking' recipe book aesthetic to the booklet.